Wednesday, August 21, 2013

21 August 2013

     We've enjoyed every day here. We're into the beginning of spring and there is lots of sunshine and warmth which is very welcome since none of the buildings have heat in them. We have a portable propane heater that keeps us comfortable. Our flat has all the comforts of home; just a lot less space. It's more what in the States we would consider a townhouse cause we even have a small yard (garden area) in the back. If you look real hard, you'll see there are bars on the door and most windows for security. Most areas, including ours, are gated with high fences with electric wire on top. We are so grateful for our facilities when you see such poor areas many live in.
Our flat in Port Elizabeth



There are several types of transportation here; cars, taxis (I haven't gotten a picture yet), burros. However, the majority of the people have to walk.  They'll walk many miles to get where they want to go.   
There's usually 3 donkeys pulling a cart

It's common to see women carrying their shopping in this manner.

People love having their picture taken                                                                                                                    

Part of our responsibilities here is to look over the needs of 10 young missionaries.  We assist in getting supplies they need, inspecting their flats and their cars and seeing to their comfort and well being.  Yesterday after we saw to some of their needs, we had some extra time in the afternoon and we went to Kragga Kamma Animal Park which is only 15 minutes from where we live.  What a joy!!  .       

Water Buffalo
Zebras and Nyla


Mountain Reedbuck



  1. Love those animals and giraffes are my favorite also. Your flat looks great - we had the bars but no fence around our home!

  2. I am so very proud of you two kids!! Ha. What an amazing and gorgeous experience. When we lived in Manila for those few months it was life changing. Almost no one had even heard of the church so it was kinda fun feeling like we were on a mini mission.

    I want you to know I love you both very much and feel like you have been second parents to me.
    I will pray for you every day that you will be safe from attacks of the wildlife. Those giraffes looked pretty scary! Haha just kidding.

    My kids and I will be following your blog regularly. We love you so so much. Angie keep Lee in line ;-)...

    Kim and kids...Courtney,Aubree,Easton, and Jackson
